Sara's A-layer Unit5!

A Layer Assignment




sheet of paper, write 2 good paragraphs (5-7 sentences make a good paragraph) on your opinion. Make sure to


mention some of the research in your opinion.




Title of Magazine, Journal or URL(Website address): Be sure this is complete!!!


Author: _______________________________________ Date of Article: ______________


2. Title of Article: ___________________________________________________

Title of Magazine, Journal or URL(Website address): Be sure this is complete!!!


Author: _______________________________________ Date of Article: ______________


3. Title of Article: ___________________________________________________

Title of Magazine, Journal or URL(Website address): Be sure this is complete!!!


Author: _______________________________________ Date of Article: ______________


My answer to the question:



















1. Title of Article: ___________________________________________________

Summarize 3 recent magazine, journal, or Internet articles on your topic. On the back of this sheet or on another


Name : Sara Grace Dodge            Unit 5



Question: Are we too quick to medicate children?